Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a plant that’s commonly found in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and several other South Asia countries. A member of the coffee family, Kratom leaves are harvested for use in tea, powder, Kratom extract chewables, tinctures or oils, and other supplements.
Because Kratom is available in so many different forms, it can be difficult to understand which Kratom-based products to take and for what reasons. A common mistake many novice Kratom users make is thinking that Kratom extracts chewables and Kratom powder are the same, or that one is better than the other. But the fact is that Kratom extract chewables and Kratom powder are quite different. And, one isn’t necessarily better than the other.
Whether you use Kratom powder or Kratom extract chewables for your personal use depends on several different factors. In this guide, we’ll highlight the critical differences between Kratom extract chewables and Kratom powder—so you can make an informed decision when shopping for a product that’s right for you.
What’s The Difference Between Kratom Powder and Kratom Extract Chewables?
The primary alkaloids in Kratom, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, can both be found in Kratom’s powder and extract forms. But there are some notable differences:
- Kratom powder: Kratom powder is made by crushing whole, dried Kratom leaves and other raw plant materials into a fine powder. This process is pretty straightforward and simpler than making an extract. It also elicits a lower potency, in comparison to Kratom extracts.
- Kratom extract chewables: With Kratom extracts, the alkaloids are isolated and “extracted” from the harvested Kratom leaves through a special process. This process involves several different steps and creates a highly concentrated final product. The distillation produces a higher potency, making Kratom extract chewables stronger than Kratom powder.
Bottom line: Kratom-based products labeled as an extract are highly concentrated and include specific Kratom alkaloids. While Kratom-based products labeled as a powder generally include multiple raw materials, finely ground into a powder, and offer a lower dose of Kratom.
What’s the Process for Making Kratom Powder and Kratom Extract?
Transforming Kratom into its extract and powder form is an interesting and intricate process. Although there are some similar initial steps in the harvesting and drying of the Kratom plant parts—the production process differs quite a bit. Gaining insights into these differences can help you better understand which product will best fit your personal needs and budget.
Kratom powder: As the Kratom plant reaches maturity, the leaves and various parts of the plant are harvested, dried, and finely crushed to make a powder.
Kratom extract: Making Kratom extract requires a bit more time and work than processing Kratom powder. Another big difference between the two products is only the leaves are used to make Kratom extract. In this process, Kratom leaves are first dried and crushed into a powder. They’re then boiled and filtered repeatedly, to strengthen the extract’s concentration (much like making a very strong tea).
The extract-making process isolates the Kratom alkaloids, which contributes to the extract’s stronger potency. Kratom extract is also generally more expensive than Kratom powder, in large part due to its higher potency concentration and the extended time and labor required to produce it.
What Are Kratom Extract Chewables, and How Are They Made?
More potent than its powdered counterpart, Kratom extract chewables are Kratom leaves that have been first processed into an extract, dried into a powder form, and then pressed into tablets.
Taking a closer look at how Kratom extract chewables are made, the concentration process starts after Kratom leaves are made into an extract and dried into a powder. To distill the highly potent extract chewables, the extract powder is first mixed with water and boiled down. The resulting tea-like fluid is filtered to remove plant sediments and particles. These remaining alkaloid-rich leftovers are re-heated and boiled down in a repeating process that continues to remove more and more moisture, until a dark and thick, paste-like substance remains. This product is then pressed into tablets to create Kratom extract chewable.
What Is The Difference Between Kratom Powder and Kratom Extract Powder, and How Are They Made?
Many people make the mistake of thinking that regular Kratom powder is a more concentrated variant of Kratom. But this isn’t always the case.
Regular Kratom powder is made from dried, pulverized Kratom plant materials and leaves, in the early-stage of Kratom processing. This results in a less potent but highly versatile product. (This variant of Kratom powder isn’t as strong as the Kratom extract liquid, powder, or chewable tablet.)
Kratom extract powder is made after only Kratom leaves are dried, pounded into a powder, then processed into an extract–and dried back into a powder. This variety of Kratom powder is highly concentrated and far more potent than regular Kratom powder.
No matter the potency of Kratom powder, both are most often enjoyed mixed with a liquid and made into a tea or drink.
Which Form of Kratom Is Most Potent?
Kratom extract—which, as we’ve discussed, can be purchased in powder, liquid, or chewable tablets—is more potent than regular Kratom powder. Processed to a greater concentration, Kratom extract has a higher level of alkaloids, which translates to a higher potency ratio.
What Does the Potency or Usage Ratio on Kratom Labels Mean?
Kratom extract products often have a ratio noted on their packaging. For example, “5:1” or “5X”. These numbers reflect how much of the powder must be used to match the potency level of the extract counterpart. So, a 5:1 ratio would mean that the Kratom extract is five times as strong as an equal amount of regular Kratom powder.
Because there’s five times the strength of Kratom in a 5:1 extract—you should exercise caution with use. You’ll need far less of a Kratom extract dosage to get the same results as you would with Kratom powder.
Tip: If you’re new to using Kratom extract, but have used powder previously, start with a ratio that is equal to your last powdered dose. It will also help if you purchase your Kratom consistently from the same brand, as every producer’s ratio can be slightly different. Buying the same products from the same manufacturers on a confident basis will help you make sure you’re always getting the appropriate dose.
How Do I Tell the Difference between Kratom Extract Chewables and Kratom Powder Products?
People just starting their Kratom journey may find it difficult to distinguish between powder and extract chewables, and make a confident visual identification. Because both are frequently ground into fine powders, it can be hard to tell which is which just by looking.
Trusted producers will clearly label their products so you can easily distinguish if it is a powder or extract. But a few tricks you can also use when shopping are to look at the coloration of the products. Extracts, because they’re highly concentrated, sometimes are darker compared to less-potent powders. And, some users say that Kratom extract has a more intense smell, because of the higher concentration of alkaloids found in extracts.
So, Which Is Better: Kratom Extract Chewables or Kratom Powder?
Kratom extract chewable and Kratom powder both have their own benefits. And the decision to purchase one or the other will depend largely on what type of dosage you’re looking for and your budget.
If you’re not used to taking Kratom supplements, you may want to start with a low-dose powder. But, if you’ve previously used Kratom, a chewable extract with higher alkaloid levels may be a good choice for you.
If your budget is tight, Kratom powder is usually less expensive than chewable extracts and we recommend our Kratom green strains. But, for more experienced Kratom users, an extract with a higher ratio may last longer for you–making the initial higher investment worth your while. For example, many of our customers who use Kratom Extract Chewables take a smaller dose (like a half-tablet), which stretches out their supply over a longer period of time than some powder users.
Why Should I Try Kratom Family Extract Chewables?
The Kratom Family is constantly looking for methods to support you on your Kratom journey. Our mission is to raise awareness about Kratom and provide our readers and clients with the most up-to-date information. You can trust us to deliver you the very best possible product.
With over 20 years of experience with Kratom-based products, we’re confident we can answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.
Due to the FDA restrictions, we can’t share any recommendations for Kratom use or discuss the specific effects of various Kratom strains. It’s best to speak with your doctor or healthcare provider before taking Kratom, and to help you discern what dosage is right for you. It’s also a good idea to do your own research and learn more about Kratom’s various properties. Be sure to bookmark our blog to get the latest insights. And, we encourage you to also visit the American Kratom Association website for additional resources and info.
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Kratom Strains
Green Borneo $34.00 – $128.00
Green Rhino $34.00 – $128.00
Red Rhino $34.00 – $128.00
Holiday Rush $34.00
Kratom Tolerance Reset Bundle $74.99