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Kratom Tolerance Reset

Thinking about a Kratom tolerance reset? Here’s my strategies you should be thinking about BEFORE and DURING your reset. Join our Discord and reset with other Family members for support!

Why Should I Reset My Kratom Tolerance?

Have you recently noticed your favorite Kratom strains are seemingly losing their potency? Do you find yourself scooping out a little more each time you want to enjoy your Kratom powder dose in order to experience the full enjoyment? If so, you need to reset your Kratom tolerance. Every avid Kratom enthusiast should have a Kratom tolerance reset strategy every six to eight months or so. It is up to you to listen to your body and pay attention to your dosing regulations each time you enjoy your Kratom. Resetting your Kratom tolerance levels will allow you to enjoy Kratom powder as if it were your first time! If you are unclear on how to do this, keep reading. We will share everything you need to know to reset yourself and get back on track to enjoyment.

Ready to Reset Your Kratom Tolerance?

Below you will find our crushed leaf & stem and vein Kratom reset bundle that will get you through a month-long journey of resetting yourself back to lower amounts and have your favorite strain working overtime for you once again. After 20 years of drinking Kratom tea, I have made several mistakes as well as uncovered many successes within resetting my own tolerance levels and I will share them with you today. But first, you need to prepare for your reset. Our crushed leaf & stem and vein bundle will get you through this month long process. Adding 1 to your cart will provide you with four weeks of reset. Note – See product below.

NOTE – Plan ahead one month

Mark your calendar a month in advance to prepare for your Kratom tolerance reset. During the month before the reset happens, you will start to microdose your favorite strains. For example, “Joe’s” average spoonful consists of 7 grams of powder, taken 6 times per day, he will want to microdose at least half of his normal settings. In this particular case, he will microdose 3.5 grams and will try to go at least 2 – 3 hours before enjoying the next dose. “Joe” knows the key is to go as long as you can without having to microdose again. Since “Joe’s” normal day is drinking Kratom tea 6 times per day, at the microdose level, he may see upwards of 8 – 10 doses that day. That’s okay, he is going to work himself down during these four weeks.

Each week for this preparation month, Joe will microdose down half. If the first week he microdosed down to 3.5 grams, the second week he will microdose down to 1.75g – 2g. The third and fourth weeks he will cut these numbers in half as well. That way when he gets to his first day of reset, he is already prepared for our crushed leaf and stem and vein products which will get him through the month long reset.

Join our Discord

It’s tough to reset Kratom tolerance by yourself. But we have tried to make this as easy as possible! Feel free to join our Discord group where you will find the “Reset Family” who will be doing their Kratom tolerance reset along with you. Once you purchase your reset package, one of our team members will send our Discord link invite along with recommendations for the reset month.

Kratom Tolerance Reset Bundle


A month long Kratom tolerance reset bundle consisting of:

✔️200g of Stem & Vein

✔️150g of Crushed leaf

✔️Discord reset support group

✔️30 day microdosing strategy

✔️ My personal strategy during your reset

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Our Kratom tolerance reset bundle is perfect for your month-long journey to reset your tolerance levels. This reset bundle will consist of 150g of crushed leaf along with 200g of stem and vein as well as instructions, Discord group, and strategies to help you reset your tolerance levels perfectly. We only use the best crushed leaf & stem and vein from our farmer in Western Kalimantan and will also provide you with a “beforehand” strategy to prepare for your month long journey.

What Is A Kratom Tolerance Reset?

A Kratom tolerance reset is typical with someone who has been enjoying Kratom tea for a long time with extensive use to the point that their Kratom powder is not effective anymore. This is also known as Stagnant Strain Syndrome, which can cause the user to increase their tea use over long periods of time which, in turn, creates larger tolerances based on amounts enjoyed.

Resetting your Kratom tolerance can help you get back to the days when you were first enjoying Kratom tea! This month long strategy can help you reset your tolerance levels which will cause you to intake at lower amounts each time.

How Do I Know I Need A Kratom Tolerance Reset?

If you are experiencing any of these attributes, more than likely you need a month long reset:

  • Increased use throughout the day
  • Increase in amount of tea consumed each time you enjoy
  • Unfortunately, your Kratom tea doesn’t seem to be doing the job it used to
  • Your Kratom tea isn’t lasting as long as it used to last

If you are experiencing any of these characteristics, it is completely possible you need to think about a Kratom tolerance reset.

I Know I Need To Reset My Tolerance, But I’ve Heard It’s Difficult

Giving up things you love is always tough. However, with The Kratom Family Kratom Tolerance Reset bundle it’s easy! First, you won’t be doing this by yourself. When you order your reset bundle with us, you will automatically be invited into our Discord Family. Not only is this a great place to chat with other like-minded Kratom enthusiasts like yourself, we have a special chat directed at people who are resetting their Kratom tolerance as well.

In Discord you will never be alone. This is a great place to discuss alternatives and separate strategies that have been working for other people who are resetting their tolerance (or have reset in the past) to get the best results. One thing I have discovered is that when someone goes through a reset, it’s important to know you have the support of others around you to keep yourself on track.

Remember, the reset starts when you click the order button. Have a date in mind that you would like to begin (this needs to be at least a month in advance before your reset). Myself and our team will be there to guide you through this exciting event! You’re going to be so glad you participated in a reset for your body. The reward comes the day after your reset when you try Kratom powder again at a lower dose and realize how strong it is! There is a way back to potency and it comes through a reset.

On top of this, I will give you my BEFORE & DURING plan to help you achieve the maximum results with resetting your Kratom tolerance. So, if you’re in the mood to reset, make a date one month beforehand (because the BEFORE plan requires you prepare one month in advance) and grab this bundle today.

Good luck, and happy resetting!


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Weight 350 g


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