Green Zen


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Go all in with our Green Zen variety blend. Greenzen is where it’s at when you want that extra vitality to your day. We have pulled out all the stops and added not one, but two powerful green strains that compliment each other very well. Our customers love the “swoosh” (their words not ours) it brings and the enjoyment to your day you experience. Be a Zen master and grab some of this greenzen today.

Ingredients: Mitragyna Speciosa

Green Vein #150%
Green Vein #250%

Green Zen Kratom tea has been meticulously harvested, processed, dried, and shipped with care to our facilities to bring you the best overall goodness to your day. Many people who are looking to add a little extra zen to their life enjoy this variation of Kratom powder. Please use responsibly and consult with your doctor before any GreenZen Kratom tea is purchased. Our Green Zen is meant to be enjoyed with the vigors of life and have your day filled with pleasure and contentment.

What Is GreenZen?

Zen, derived from the Sanskrit word ‘dhyana’, denotes a state of serene concentration. Being Zen involves cultivating mindfulness, inner tranquility, and understanding the nature of reality through meditation. It’s a journey towards achieving a state of “no-mind”, where the chatter of the mind ceases and one exists in the present moment, fully aware yet undisturbed by the surrounding sensory stimuli. This profound peace and equilibrium, devoid of judgment or expectation, represents the essence of being Zen. Our Greenzen product is based off the word “zen” which simply means “to be enlightened” or “a state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than conscious effort. Unfortunately, too often in life we become preoccupied with our thoughts and lose touch with the present moment. We fail to appreciate the beauty of the world around us as our minds become overrun by worries, regrets, anxieties and a barrage of other mental chatter. This disconnection from reality can lead to health neglect, where individuals fail to take care of their physical and mental wellbeing.

Our Green Zen product is just that. A way for our customers to enjoy a brighter, more fantastic day (or evening) when they experience our GreenZen product. While most greens are great at being uplifting and providing the extra spunk you need for a hard day’s work, our Green Zen item is carefully crafted for later in the evening, when you aren’t ready for bed yet, but you still want to remain “in the moment”.

GreenZen is all of those things and more. This green has two amazing pure green strains blended together to make one serious life-change for our customers. If you haven’t tried our Green Zen, you must try this today and experience a Zen master lifestyle that so many have came to learn about and love with our products.

I Usually like White Strains, Will I Like Green Zen?

Generally, people who lean more towards the white strains and blends will still get a kick out of our GreenZen. Since the Kratom green strains are considered middle of the road in the Kratom industry, you are going to love this extra added bonus this plant will bring into your day. If you’re ONLY used to white strains, then our GreenZen is going to be a melodic change for your lifestyle.

In the end, our Green Zen strain is all that it’s cracked up to be. A perfect way to start the day, continue the day, or even end the day. It truly is adaptive to any time of your busy schedule and you will soon find out why so many of our customers rush to grab our GreenZen products when they’re available.

Additional information

Weight N/A

250 grams, Kilo, 125g

WAAVE Compliance